Presentations and Papers

"To gain an understanding of religious matters, probably all that is left us today is the psychological approach. ~ C.G. Jung


SATURDAY, JANUARY 16TH, 2022; from 10:00 Am - 2:00 Pm (Pacific Time)

THE ARCHETYPE OF THE APOCALYPSE - Analyzing the Pandemics of Racism, Covid - 19, and Climate Change; Part 1 - Racism.

Saturday, January 19, 2020 - From 10Am - 1Pm

The Alchemy of Tyranny; Analyzing the Radical Shift to the Geo-political Right from a Jungian Perspective. Public Program to be delivered at the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California in Culver City, CA (see for more information and to register after October 1, 2019).

Saturday, January 26th, 2019 - From 10Am - 1 Pm

Confronting the Trickster; Crises and Opportunity in the Time of Trump - Public Program delivered at the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California in Culver City.

Saturday, March 3, 2018 - From 10Am - 3Pm

The Vocation Of Depth Psychology: Everything you'll want to know about becoming a Jungian analyst! Basic Jung Series seminar/workshop to be delivered at the C. G. Jung Study Center of Southern California in Culver City. (9696 Culver Blvd. suite # 205)

To register go to:  (after January 1, 2018)  

What it Means to be a Classical/Traditional Jungian. Workshop for students and analysts of the C. G. Jung Study Center of Southern California. Culver City, CA. March, 2016. 

Mystics, Warriors and the Grail; Exploring the Sacred Medieval Psyche. Lecture and Discussion. San Diego Friends of Jung: September 12, 2014 and at the Orange County Jung Club: September 21, 2014. 

The Anatomy of a Mid-Life Crises – Mapping the Inner Journey – Experiential Workshop given at the C.G. Study Center of Southern California, Culver City, April, 2014.

Exploring the Sacred Medieval Psyche; The Flowering of Feminine Mysticism, 1200-1350. All day experiential workshop given at the C. G. Jung Study Center of SC, Culver City, October, 2012. 

Understanding Your Dreams; Experiential workshop given at the C.G. Jung Club of Orange County, Chapman University, March, 2011.


Just Published - The New Book!!!

THE ARCHETYPE OF THE APOCALYPSE - Analyzing the Pandemics of Racism, Covid - 19, and Climate Change;

Now Available on

 THE ARCHETYPE OF THE APOCALYPSE - Analyzing the Pandemics of Racism, Covid - 19, and Climate Change; Part 1 - Racism. Journal of Analytical Psychology. Volume 66, 2021, Issue # 3, p. 729-749.

Read this article at:

Grevatt, William K. The Alchemy of Tyranny; Analyzing the Radical Shift to the Geo-political Right from a Jungian Perspective. Psychological Perspectives; Volume 62 - 2, 2019. Article exploring the psychology of the radical shift to the right politically in present times in the United States, Europe, and beyond.

Grevatt, William K. Confronting the Trickster; Crises and Opportunity in the Time of Trump. Psychological Perspectives; Volume 61-1, 2018. Article exploring the dark trickster now in our midst, Donald Trump; how he represents the trickster in each one of us; and what we can do to consciously confront him in our present time of crises in the U.S. and abroad.

Grevatt, William K. Meister Eckhart & C. G. Jung: Mysticism, Individuation, and the Transformation of the God-image. Psychological Perspectives; Volume 59-3, 2016. Jung called Meister Eckhart the greatest thinker of his age and the first person to see God psychologically. This article explores Jung's fascination with Eckhart and how his message resonates even today, 700 years after his passing.

Grevatt, William K. Redeeming Eros: The Grail Legend and Le Cri de Merlin. Article exploring the practical meaning of restoring the feminine within individuals and society today, based upon a further interpretation of the Grail Legend and Jung as a modern day Merlin figure. Psychological Perspectives, Volume 57- 1, 2014; Los Angeles, California.

Grevatt, William K. Mystics, Warriors, and The Grail; Exploring the Sacred Medieval Psyche. Article on depth psychology and it's historical roots within medieval religious mysticism. Psychological Perspectives; Volume 56-1, 2013; Los Angeles, California.

Grevatt, William K. Exploring the Sacred Medieval Psyche; The Flowering of Feminine Mysticism; 1200 - 1350.  Article on medieval religious mysticism and its parallels to modern depth psychology. Psychological Perspectives; Volume 56-4, Fall, 2013; Los Angeles, California


  • All of the informative symbols from movie, concepts, etc. were very valuable. I enjoyed every single minute of the movie and also the feedback from everyone – plus I learned so much. Please come back soon – you’re wonderful!
  • The workshop helped to develop a better understanding of the archetypical stages we move through in life’s passages and into our later life cycle. It was a great movie to illustrate our mid-life changes which can appear out of nowhere.
  • The film was a great illustration and unfolding of the “self-regulating psyche” and discussion deepened the experience, which I can relate to myself at this time as well as integrate in my work with others – many thanks!


  • Thank you again for a provocative, interesting, and soulful seminar this past Saturday on the medieval mystics and the Grail.
  • Thank you so much for today's sensitive and profound workshop. It is a real gift to be taken into depth discussion and reflection upon this lineage worthy of great respect. It feels like home.
  • I really appreciated the workshop and your ingenuity in getting us to discuss everything. Very worthwhile and a great way to interact with our colleagues. Thanks for all your work in putting it together.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



